When I woke up this morning, I regretted it because I couldn't use an express train to go to the office. It is difficult to wake up between 7:00 and 9:00. I know If I want to improve my life cycle, I definitely should go to bed early. But I can't overcome the temptation of the smartphone. Please tell me anyone, how can I overcome the temptation of the smartphone. Maybe, I think that is to turn off the phone.
Also today, I felt so bad from this afternoon. Sleeping time isn't maybe enough for me. I went to bed at 2:00 yesterday. And then I woke up at 8:30. If I remember, the same thing was written in a diary written by me before. The time of writing this diary is 23:18. OK, I will round up writing this diary to go to bed early.
By the way, I think writing the vocabulary I learned today is good for me to learn English. So I am going to write it bottom after this diary.
round up ~ 切り上げる
temptation 誘惑
overcome 克服、打ち勝つ
regret 後悔する、残念に思う