英文法 2週間分




・Coordinating Conjunction(等位接続詞) 

・Subordinating Conjunction(従位接続詞)

2つの違いは、「A, 接続詞 B」とした時、情報の濃淡がA=B となるのが前者。後者はA>Bとなる。(イーコルの関係になる文をIndependent Clause, つまり主節。濃淡がある際の、Bの文章はDependent Clause,つまり従属節と呼ばれる。)

・Coordinating Conjunction(等位接続詞) A=B

・Subordinating Conjunction(従位接続詞)A>B

等位接続詞は頭文字をとってFANBOYSと呼ばれる。(For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)

従属接続詞は頭文字をとってSWABI(Since, While, Although…), MOTH。きっとのぶは自分で考えたいだろうからなんの略かはあえて書かないでおこう。


①Simple Sentence: SV

②Compound Sentence:2Independent Clause+Coordinating Conjunction

③Complex Sentence: I Independent Clause+1 Dependent clause+ Subordinating clause

④Compound+Complex Sentence



①Run-On(無終止文) 例 Two e-mails from Jane came on Monday a third one came on Wednesday.

治し方                                Two e-mails from Jane came on Monday, but a third one came on Wednesday.

② Comma Splice(コンマの誤用)

例 I didn't want to go out, I wanted to stay home, it was raining.    これは、接続詞なしに主節(IC)がつながっているため文として不適。                                      →I didn't want to go out, and I wanted to stay home because it was raining. 

→I didn't want to go out; I wanted to stay home because it was raining. 

★FANBOYSの前には必ず,。Subordinating Conjunctionの時はいらない。ただ、SCから始める時はいる。これはなじみがあるけど、他の国の人の治し方は、下の方。;はどんな意味で接続しているかは読み手の推測次第。


Choose the correct sentence below. The wrong sentences have errors in sentence structure and comma use.

1.I relax by reading a book; my mother prefers physical activity.

2.I relax by reading a book, but my mother prefers physical activity.

3.I relax by reading a book but my mother prefers physical


Choose the correct sentence below. The wrong sentences have errors in sentence structure and comma use.

1.English is the official language of international business, in addition, it is also the language of high tech.

2.English is the official language of international business; in addition, it is also the language of high tech.


問題1 正解1と2

問題2 正解2FANBOYS以外のCC(Coordinating Conjunction)を挿入する際は、セミコロンが適切。かりに、andを用いるなら, and, としてよい。

③Stringy Sentence(日本の文法用語は見つからなかった。長すぎて、脳天ついてないから、CC→SCにかえるイメージ)

例:He enrolled in an intermediate calculus, but he found it too easy, so he dropped it, and je signed up for the advanced class.

→He enrolled in an intermediate calculus, but he found it too easy. Therefore, he dropped it, and je signed up for the advanced class.


