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Adam Milton Morgan, Matthew W. Wagers; English Resumptive Pronouns Are More Common Where Gaps Are Less Acceptable. Linguistic Inquiry2018; 49 (4): 861–876.
例えば、McKee & McDaniel (2001)は、再述代名詞の容認度は linear distance, depth, and extractability によって影響を受けると書いているがLoock (2007)*の以下の再述代名詞の例は、linear distanceをなんとか満たしているに過ぎない
My name is Pan, which I don’t like it so much.
上記はAppositiveな関係詞節の例だが、Restrictiveな関係詞節内に再述代名詞があって、なおかつMcKee & McDaniel (2001)の提示した条件を全て破る例も存在する。
She got a couch at Sears that it was on sale. (Cann et al. (2005)**)
Loss, S., & Wicklund, M. (2020). Is English resumption different in appositive relative clauses? Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne De Linguistique, 65(1), 25-51. doi:10.1017/cnj.2019.19
* Rudy. 2007. “Are you a good which or a bad which?” The relative pronoun as a plain connective. In Connectives as discourse landmarks, ed. Agnes Celle and Ruth Huart, 71– 87. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ** Cann, Ronnie, Tami Kaplan, and Ruth Kempson. 2005. Data at the grammar-pragmatics interface: The case of resumptive pronouns in English. Lingua 115(11): 1551–1577.