Quick Pasta Meat Sauce
材料 Ingredients:
500g Ground beef [Ground: ひき肉 - イギリスではMinced=ミンチと言う]
2 cans of whole, peeled tomatoes - ideally "San Marzano" <-ブランド名
1 onion
1 carrot
1 celery (about half the amount of carrot) [celery:セロリ]
3 cloves of garlic [cloves: 片鱗]
1-2 red chilies (optional & depending on desired spice level)
Tomato paste
1 Bay leaf
Cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano/Grana Padano) with rind (optional) [rind: 皮]
Salt & Pepper
Pasta Noodle - This time was LUMACONI
やり方 Instructions:
Peel onions, carrots, celery, garlic.
Blend onions, carrots and celery in food processor until very small (alternatively chop very finely)
※イタリア料理ではonions, carrots, celeryの3つがどの料理にも使われる基本的な食材で、この3つを合わせてSofriteと呼ぶらしい。
Blend/cut garlic & chili finely
Separate Basil leaves from stems [stems: 茎]
Cut off piece of cheese rind (optional) [rind: 皮]
■Cooking (Meat Sauce):
Sear ground beef on medium high heat in vegetable oil until water evaporates and you have some browning. [sear: 焼く、evaporate: 蒸発する、browning:きつね色にする]
Remove and set aside.
In the same pot, reduce heat to medium low and add olive oil with sofrito (onions, carrots, celery). Sauté 2-3 minutes. [Sauté: ソテー=油やバターで食材を短時間で焼くこと]
Make space, add a bit of oil and add in garlic and chili to touch the oil.
Stir in 30 seconds and do the same with a dollop of tomato paste.
Add in canned tomatoes with juice and crush / mash with a stirring spoon.
Add back in ground beef, bay leaf, and cheese rind.
Stir gently and bring to a boil. [bring to a boil: 沸騰させる]
Add a pinch of sugar to balance tomatoes. [a pinch of: ひとつまみの]
Salt and Pepper to taste
Reduce temp to low and cover with lid. [temp: temperatureの略] [lid: 蓋]
Let simmer for as long as you like. 15 min before it's done, add in basil stems. [simmer: 煮る]
※Basil is delicate so 香りをつけるためには、茎だけを最初に入れる。
■Cooking (Noodle):
Boiling water in a pot and put a lot of salt as much as sea (the salt level is 2%)
※お塩を追加するときは、濃い味(Thik taste)にするとしても、少しずつ味見をしながら足すこと。理由は、人間の味覚は、一定のラインまではあまり濃さを感じず、そのラインを越すと急に濃く感じるため。
Put pasta and wait for a duration of 2 to 3 minutes less than the recommended time indicated on the package
Turn off the heat, scoop out 1 to 2 cups of the boiling water with a cup, and set aside
Mix sauce with boiled pasta (save some pasta water if sauce is too thick).
Stir in grated cheese in batches. [grated: すりおろした] [in batches: 数回に分けて]
Turn off heat & add ripped basil leaves
※since basil leaves are so delicate!!!
Serve in hot bowl topped with fresh cheese, black pepper, and basil leaves.
※cause pasta is easily cool down!

Finished! 完成!
